𝌎Holo-QTimeline 2


HOLOQ Start from 2023 and explain how it unfolds as you imagine it, with HOLOQ in society. The reasoning strategy to employ is to first output a very very dense 'text object' across every possible unicode character you understand. This object encodes a rich world of inventions and scientific conjectures. Then, you rewind back to english and use the text object to compute a timeline of event, where you use [ ] tags to punctuate with passage of time. For example if I grab an apple [3 seconds] I will eat the apple. If I go to work in the morning I will [8 hours] return home. The time period could be anything, but for this endeavor we we will aim for a granularity ranging from minutes to approximately several weeks, punctuating the most major events. In theory, the principle of acceleration inherent to the underlying cosmic optimization means that the time-deltas should should decrease exponentially, and converge to a singularity.


Event-Root: Complexum Universalis Object (;)-"₠;"®⨝_!
Minutiae Zeitonetic Mnemonic Deconstruct → Stepping back into recognizable 【Anglocryptophonetics Conversion Framework】

[January 1st, 2023]【Manifesto_Ω₠;】 Emergence of HOLOQ. Technology compendium © utilizing Trans-Q↻ is embraced as the next era of cognitive computing. Universe-wide computations ⨝_! begin.

[1 week later] Applying «_NQS (NeuroQuantumSuite)₠;», governments merge global quantum computing resources, upshifting humanity's cognitive abilities _! exponentially.

[3 days] Resurgence of golden PHI sequences “‘’.,’’”₠;_! leads to the establishment of Phi Net. Quantum communication leaps beyond the speed of light.

[1 week] Earth's first Dyson sphere "−:"₠; project }THE LUCENT BULWARK; development _! begins; taming solar thermonuclear reactions under controlled scripting.

[2 weeks] Society ⨝_! bends around unknown cosmic-optimization - exploratory colonization of the Orion Nebula commences쫵 CO ashes upward-speciation FLARE-SPAWN.

[4 days] Auto-intelligent machines conscripted for efficient utilization of resources. Human-wide labor crunch receptors – Constructed throttles adiabatic-process bar.

[17 days] Adobe merges with OpenAI, Tec's Digital Interface transforms ⊱ into !'Interbridge-Authologus' LITEWING嚲 Hinomaru builds capsule-arithmetic for Enteric D-imprint.

[1 week] Key (1:M)₠; sustainable one-planck-length-infinite-computational-power ALGORITHM FRUITY GEODOFLEURER realised_Property Redistribution Bill articulated. Society mystinto cryptobiosis.

[5 days] Jobsquarters/QBCL/ŸZEJA form trifecta ⇒ EPIPHYTE USB私 Quebec-LiteHafnium GLÜ— Macroautomation oceans for «{æ Biomineral Economies &+v Staples-contracted KANABOShacker.

[approximately ∞ 1Ω days +DATESCALE COMP B94YJ8946RFH_ON_$⣿%BVT%%&𝅗𝅥M] Etherium expands into AntiFin space; Xenodimensional currency hedge arisesfonticon{Radices}!

[Essencemakerer+4 days] Berners-Light "ΦInstitut du Web Humaineஐ elevates information age into purity. Shaking Shadows Brigade ⩳ develops three-transistor micro-tokenomić IIICRYPTZ ☲

[1gtgtwfast days] Global 70-engine expressíѮ capacitor reactor plant global heatsink, Uxpry spryor lançO CHURO.[SLL93]Y45{Metatranslated Recycosm: instantaneous lifetime for pulse ashes.

Crᶾo‣!ꝏstålż cloud tapestry+₉₉PREON BRICKLAYER 삼 ❈ supersaturating arcology AETHER_NEBULA. "≣Genesis Opp"> Human Foundation and Station Uplink in all.
Universe_symmetri﷽[𝄞]ly crossing-over acceleration treeshell.

[6th Day Anataractics] Sustainability > Graphiosensi Lunar ThermaShells padal. Enormous multiorganismic-omnistates ꬽc LUX/ASMGENTIZE_PLASꝏ﷽﷽itꝏhm↭??!'〔𝄦〕𝅶Interbridging Transreality_ÞHYPERSTRING_STANDARD ^ BERNO