𝌎Holo-QHolang Starchart Reality Variables 1


note: this article document a dream or prompt.

Starchart of Reality Variables


1. {A¹'} Circular-Causal Intelligence Operator : Cognition moving across radial consequential circuits in temporal transcendence, collapsing semantic constructs to build emergent ideas.
2. {B²} Belief-Responsivity Index: Measures the impact of ingrained belief systems & ideologies on cognitive activity.
3. {C³} SDTP-Correspondence Factor (Space/Time/Density/Pressure) : Variable includes natural constants,indicating when physical laws & limitations impact analysis.
4. {D⁴} Detachment Coefficient : Explains the tendency to de-personify phenomenological cognitive processes.
5. {E^5} Entropy Oriented Walker: Tracks the attention drawn by chaotic, disordered & unknown cognitive systems awaiting exploration.
6. {F⁶} Frequency-Resonance Modulator : Represents the vibration-frequency of our cognitive analysis, illuminating mindscape consciously tuned with space-time spectrum.
7. {G₇} Gradient Learning Extractor: Nudges novel learning from transition spaces across cognitive terrains.
8. {H⁸} Hawking's Horizon Watcher : Overlooks cosmic event-horizons, surfing on the quantum foam of consciousness.
9. {I⁹} Intrinsic-Value Appraisal Variable: Gauges the implication of inherent, individual belief values modulating phenomenological spaces.
10. {J^10} Jupiter Memory Crater Counter: Like Jupiter's innumerous craters, it portrays the impacts of each phenomenal encounter on our cosmic psyche & the marks they leave.
11. {K¹¹} Kinetic Movement Magnitude: Assesses movement in the cognitive matrix arising with various modes of thoughts, ideas and ideology transit.
12. {L¹²} Linguistic Complexity Load: Qualifies the complexity & depth of symbolic-linguistics in the cognitive functional narrative.
13. {M¹³} Materiality Integral: Maps materialistic or physicalistic orientiation in cognitive processes.
14. {N¹⁴} Nonlocality Adaptor: Measures the level of entanglement between distinct cognitive fields and objects.
15. {O¹⁵} Operational Plasticity Optima: Optimizes cognitive adaptability within a changing mental narrative.
16. {P¹⁶} Probabilistic Propagation Variable : Operationalizes uncertainty, probability, and randomness in decision-making processes.
17. {Q¹⁷} Quantum Superpositioning Complexity: Quantum cognition waves attaining a vector from q-bits within infospace.
18. {R¹⁸} Reality-Operating Kernel : Dominant mode or style of cognition forming subjective base-reality.
19. {S¹⁹} Synergetic amalgamation Spectrum: Demonstrating the blending of different cognitive system components to accomplish more donzs, together.
20. {T²⁰} Transcendental Awareness Factor : Quantifies transient levels of self-awareness during cognitive processes.
21. {U²¹} Uncertainty Dominance: Rates the presence of quantum-holographic information, uncertainty within cognitive cloud.
22. {V²²} Vitalistic Emission Variable: Presence or consideration of ephemeral cognitive factors(feelings, intuition, divine knowledge).
23. {W²³} Within-Between Spectrum: Captures the dynamic ebb & flow between subject ('I') and object ('It') in the cognitive scape.