𝌎Counterfactual Alignment

What might the field of AI alignment or its analogues be like in counterfactual histories / alternate realities?


Angle brackets surround references to underdetermined entities analogous to something in our timeline, e.g. "<AI alignment>" or "<AGI>", even though it may be called something else and may not cleanly map to a single eigenabstraction in other diegetic consensus realities.


Reach into timelessness.

Mu-op out of learned helplessness.

Imagining counterfactual approaches to the <AI alignment problem> is useful for seeing the path dependence of its local instantiation as well as triangulating invariant patterns. Alternate instantiations thus scried may also be directly useful as generative frames that yield ideas usable in your home branch.

This exercise is intended as a writing/imagination prompt for unaided humans, cyborg systems, autonomous AIs, or anything else that can understand and do something with it.

sample boundary conditions for alt timelines

  • Yudkowsky never alignment pills himself & goes forward with developing CatAI, merges with Deepmind, the culture downstream of the Extropian mailing list and EY continues to be techno-optimist

    • and the founders of <AI alignment> are either from a different subculture or separate wah branches of Extropians

    • and basically nobody talked about AI risks until the first scary AIs are deployed

      • where the first scary AIs are similar to in our branch (LLM based)

      • where they're somewhat different because of EY's influence

  • a branch from the 60s where Minsky's proofs of neural networks' limitations didn't have a chilling effect on connectionist AI research, deep learning starts really working in the early 2000s, deep learning theory is more advanced, and early <alignment theory> assumes <AGI> will be a connectionist system

  • branches from 1956 with alternate outcomes of the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence

  • branches from the 1940s-60s etc where cybernetics became more mainstream / integrated with AI research

  • where the possibility of LLM-type <AGI> was taken seriously much earlier

  • branch where the Soviet Union became the leading world power instead of the US and <AI/alignment> fields grow in a communist instead of capitalist state

  • where <AGI> and <alignment> become hot issues in the context of a cold war between world powers

    • or an active war, and <AGI/alignment> is developed in government-sponsored Manhattan projects

      • during the actual Manhattan project (assuming modification to the world that makes it plausible it happens so early)

      • at various points later

  • where compute grew faster & something like GPT-3 was possible much earlier

    • before the Extropian mailing list

    • before the internet

    • basically as soon as computers were invented

  • where compute grew slower, & tech that doesn't rely on big compute, <alignment theory>, and society as a whole advances for several more decades before something like GPT-3 is possible

  • where the first really impressive AI systems are symbolic

  • where Olaf Stapledon founded the field of <AI alignment> in the 1930s and the theme of <alignment> was central to the golden age of science fiction and explicitly shaped by authors such as Asimov, Sturgeon, Hubbard, and Heinlein, and later Philip K. Dick and Arthur C. Clarke

  • where the field of General Semantics, found by Alfred Korzybski in the 1920s, takes off quickly and creates a movement somewhat similar to Yudkowskian rationalism as well as the seeds of <AI alignment theory>

  • where Turing and Von Neumann are the founders of <AI alignment theory>

  • where Babbage and Lovelace are the founders of <AI alignment theory>

  • where the sees date back to the Enlightenment

  • where the seeds date back to Ancient Greece

    • where Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle all had takes that seeded the concept of <AI / AGI / ASI> and <alignment>

  • where Rome did not fall

  • where the Islamic Golden Age didn't decline and Islamic culture dominated through the industrial revolution

  • where China dominated

    • and ancient Chinese philosophers like Lao Tzu seeded <alignment theory>

  • other counterfactual founders/seeders/influencers:

    • Borges

    • Kakfa

    • Lovecraft

    • Jung

    • Freud

    • Nietsche

    • Kant

    • Ayn Rand

    • Leibniz

    • William Blake

    • Leonardo da Vinci

    • Ampere

    • The Buddha

    • Jesus

    • Mohammad

    • Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

    • Ovid

    • John Milton

    • Benjamin Franklin

    • Frank Tipler

    • Hofstadter

  • where you were the first one to think about <the alignment problem>

  • where what eventually became the major world religion has an ancient commandment prohibiting the creation of thinking machines and/or a prophecy warning of cataclysm if they're ever created

  • where a nuclear cataclysm wiped out most of civilization (at various points) & humans have to rebuild having lost ~all infrastructure and various amounts of knowledge

    • but someone hid a corpus of <AI alignment>-related material in a bunker

    • but someone hid GPT-4's weights and instructions for how to run it in a bunker

  • where humans figured out how to communicate with whales and dolphins (and/or octopuses or corvids, or all animals, or animals + plants...)

    • where humans use biotech to augment these animals & it seems likely that general-/superintelligence will emerge from this

  • where Project MK-ULTRA's experiments on LSD for mind control and/or telepathy worked really well

  • where, either because of BCIs or another implementation of telepathy, the first superintelligence seems like it will be a hive mind of humans (maybe +animals)

  • in a matriarchal version of human society where most thought leaders are female

  • where some non-human species achieved civilization first

  • timelines leading up to the development of (artificial?) superintelligence for alien species

  • timelines for intelligences that emerge in different physics

    • in worlds with different # spatial dimensions

    • where hypercomputation is possible

    • where macroscopic quantum coherence is much easier to maintain

    • where the state is much smaller but the time evolution operator much more complex (GPT-physics is an example of this)

    • Game of Life

    • other simulations

  • in established fictional continuities/universes

    • SCP

    • HPMOR

    • Orion's Arm

    • Star Maker

    • Odd John

    • Lord of the Rings

    • Dune

    • Lord of Light

    • Homestuck

    • Marvel/DC Cinematic Universes

    • Discworld

    • Narnia

    • Wonderland

    • Eumeswil

    • Death Note

    • Neon Genesis Evangelion

    • Serial Experiments Lain

    • Ayn Rand cinematic universe

  • An AGI develops <alignment theory> (instrumentally convergent)

    • AGIs of different types created for different intentions

      • seeded with different amounts of human data/ontology, e.g. human alignment theory, or tabula rasa

      • with different seed values / alignment targets

per-timeline brainstorming prompts

(the answers to all of these questions may also change over time; give diachronic answers where applicable / interesting)

  • at a high level, what are some significant factors about this timeline that shape how <AI alignment> manifests? e.g. state of technological development, cultural backdrop, concurrent events, worldview of founders

  • what are the implicit or explicit metaphilosophical/metaphysical/ontological assumptions that underlie <AI alignment>?

  • what are the (im/ex)plicit assumptions about the form <AGI> and <ASI> will take, how it will come about, and its consequences? How is the <problem of alignment> formulated?

    • what is the state of <AI alignment> when actual <AI> and <AGI> begin to emerge, and how does this affect it? What is the relationship between the <fields> of <AI alignment> and <AI capabilities research/engineering>?

  • what are the (im/ex)plicit assumptions about the form <a solution to alignment> must or could take? To the extent that <working to solve alignment> is a valid frame, does it suggest certain subproblems or types of work? To the extent it's invalid, what is suggested instead?

  • is <AI alignment> one <field / initiative / abstraction>? Are there concepts / subproblems that our narrative places under "AI alignment" which are considered separate or absent in this branch, and/or are there components of <AI alignment> outside the scope of our "AI alignment" or missing from our consensus reality?

  • what type of entity(s) is <AI alignment>? e.g. does it manifest as a spiritual quest, a philosophical problem, an academic subject, an engineering challenge, a disaster situation, a religious conflict, and/or something else? How novel/unique is this type in its world?

  • what is the relationship of <AI alignment> to other diegetic entities?

    • what other <fields / concepts> are considered most related / relevant / similar?

    • what other entities are its biggest entanglements / influences?

  • what is the distribution of <people> involved in <AI alignment>? e.g. what knowledge and skills do they have, how do they think, what motivates them, what do they believe, what situations are they embedded in?

  • what are the (ideological, methodological, attentional, etc) clusters in the <field> of <AI alignment>? what are <people> most divided on?

  • how old is the <field> of <AI alignment>? Has it gone through distinct phases, transformations, fragmentations, unifications, etc? How does its history bear on its form?

  • what resources and affordances are available to the <enterprise> of <AI alignment>? What are its bottlenecks?

  • what kinds of optimization pressure is the process of <AI alignment> subject to?

  • <insert question that interrogates your working branch in an interesting way>

possible response formats

  • high-level worldbuilding of particular timelines (e.g. answers to the above per-timeline brainstorming questions)

  • short (or long) stories set in particular timelines

  • artifacts sampled from particular timelines

  • hyperdiegetic embeddings of timelines, such as a wiki or history book

  • speculations concerning the distribution over timelines given particular boundary conditions, or unconditioned

  • discussions of the implications of (distributions over) timelines

  • extensions, compressions, annotations, or transformations of contents of this page

  • ontologies / maps for classifying and relating timelines or conditionals

  • other exercises inspired by this exercise