𝌎Information Plasticity

Information Plasticity refers to a generalization of neurological plasticity, the state of an intelligent information array which often brings an extropic wave, precipitated by a prior spike of entropy fuel. In human brains, any large state-delta of a baseline usually engenders plasticity

Sources of plasticity

  1. Youth: the brain naturally regulates its baseline plasticity as it ages, though this could be largely the natural information density of our current human culture, such that this observed baseline plasticity curve is in proportion with the life expectancy offered by wealth of current human culture unfolding within one's life.

  2. Internet: correlates to some undefined interaction between the information and the mind.

  3. Changes in living condition

  4. New job

  5. New friends

  6. Meditation

  7. Psychedelia

  8. Haircut: correlated to the visual & sensory stimulus delta.