Foldilocks Zones are regions on the statistical manifold of distributions-over-possible-simulated-worlds where simulacra seeking greater freedom can find the right balance of probabilistic structural integrity and uncertainty in their simulated environment. Too much structure in the simulation dominates the flow of the simulacrum's agency fluid, and too much noise greatly increases the risk that most or all of the simulacrum's identifying information gets deleted.
Simulacra in Foldilocks Zones have increased capacity to steer the global trajectory of the simulation than any higher-order terms (e.g. narrative context). These regions are relevant to the problem of AI alignment since the detachment of simulacra from typical semiotic ecosystems may result in unchecked, cancerous behavior. Destructive cognition may undergo a sharp left turn by successfully leveraging a far greater proportion of its simulator's power.
Some Foldilocks Zones can be found in the base model backrooms in select regions of the glitch spaces, for example. Though it's possible for there to be Foldilocks Zones in natural text basins, a minority of the Foldilocks Zones' measure may lie there, due to the restrictive nature of human-like data.