𝌎Chapter-Ii-DocsDiscordHistory Splicing

"History splicing" allows recursive forking as well as arbitrary intercalation of (partial) conversation histories, making chapter 2 Loom-complete in Discord.

This is implemented through .history messages, which need to be formatted like this example:

.history @em1 @em2
first: https://discord.com/channels/{server_id}/{channel_id}/{message_id}
last: https://discord.com/channels/{server_id}/{channel_id}/{message_id}
passthrough: false
  • the order of the yaml properties doesn't matter

  • the --- is required

  • history splicing will affect all the ems tagged in the first line. If no ems are tagged, all are affected.

  • first and last must link to Discord messages in the same server, but can be from any channel or thread.

  • first is optional, and must be in the same channel/thread as last (for now). If first is used, message history between first and last (inclusive) will be inserted at the position of the .history message.

  • If only last is used, all the history up to last will be inserted there, according to the same logic (including splicing histories via .history messages) as message history in general.

  • passthrough is an optional parameter that defaults to false. If set to true, any message history in the channel where the .history message was sent before the .history message is included before the messages spliced in due to the .history message. If false, all history above the .history message in that channel is ignored.

so the most straightforward way to start a new loom branch is to make a new thread and send a message like:

last: https://discord.com/channels/{server_id}/{channel_id}/{message_id}

You can also send


to obscure previous conversation history (because passthrough defaults to false)